Plagiarism Policy
1. JADE commits to adhering to international publication ethics and expects editors, reviewers, and authors to comply with these standards.
2. The similarity report obtained through plagiarism detection software for articles submitted for publication must be uploaded to the system by the corresponding author.
3. The similarity rate of the works should not exceed 20%. The similarity rate from a single source should not exceed 5%.
4. The editorial team may conduct an independent similarity check on the submissions, regardless of the similarity report provided by the corresponding author.
5. If the similarity rate of the article exceeds 20%, it will be returned to the author(s) for revision. If the necessary corrections are not made, the submission will be rejected.
6. If the work is derived from a thesis, this should be indicated on the title page.
7. If the work is an expanded version of a study presented at any conference, this should be indicated on the title page.